![]() | •Internet » E-mail Clients |
E-mail ClientsPrograms in category: 76. Displaying: 1-20. Page: 1 of 4.
Name, description | Date added | File Size | Downloads |
The Bat 2.12Access multiple e-mail accounts, use comprehensive filtering, or protect your letters with internal PGP. Windows (all) | Free to try | $35.00 | 14/07/2004 | 3.92MB | 3,247 |
eNewsletter Manager free edition 2.0Send professional newsletters and automatically manage submissions on multiple mailing lists. Windows 98/Me/2000/XP | Free | 07/07/2004 | 8.53MB | 2,271 |
Barca 1.0 build 700Integrate e-mail program, personal information manager, and project planner in a single interface. Windows 98/NT/2000/XP/2003 Server | Free to try | $59.95 | 05/07/2004 | 4.13MB | 2,324 |
Dynamic Mail Communicator 2.0Send HTML personalized e-mail campaigns to unlimited recipients. Windows (all) | Free to try | $199.95 | 28/06/2004 | 5.25MB | 2,172 |
Eudora 6.1.2Send e-mail to and receive it from friends and co-workers. Windows (all) | Free to try | $49.95 | 24/06/2004 | 8.06MB | 2,268 |
MailManager 1.0Manage e-mails, get reports on volumes of mail received and how fast it is being dealt with. Windows (all) | Free | 22/06/2004 | 6.32MB | 2,240 |
KMailer 2.0.2Create newsletters and online surveys targeting different customer segments with personalized messages. Windows (all) | Free to try | $69.95 | 17/06/2004 | 5.22MB | 2,250 |
Marlin Lite 1.1Send and receive e-mail messages, filter out spam. Windows (all) | Free | 08/06/2004 | 3.53MB | 2,221 |
Gemini 1.44dManage e-mails and news from multiple sources. Windows (all) | Free to try | $55.00 | 07/06/2004 | 5.73MB | 2,153 |
Group Mail Free 3.4.206Send HTML-formatted and personalized e-mail to large groups. Windows (all) | Free | 01/06/2004 | 4.93MB | 2,263 |
FamilyMail 8.1Send and receive e-mails and stay in touch with your family. Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP | Free to try | $49.95 | 01/06/2004 | 4.2MB | 2,199 |
Polarshield 1.0Let your children send and receive e-mails and protect their correspondence from spam and viruses. Windows 2000/XP | Free to try | $22.00 | 24/05/2004 | 7.46MB | 2,093 |
KidzMail 1.2Allow kids to draw pictures and send them to people in their e-mail address book. Windows (all) | Free to try | $10.00 | 21/05/2004 | 2KB | 2,252 |
PocoMail 3.1Manage multiple e-mail accounts and create filtering scripts while staying virus-protected. Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP | Free to try | $39.95 | 20/05/2004 | 3.34MB | 2,267 |
Auto Mailer 1.0Send individual bulk e-mails to your customers, contacts, or subscribers. Windows (all) | Free | 11/05/2004 | 387KB | 2,250 |
AY Mail 2.3Manage your mailing list and send e-mails to multiple contacts. Windows (all) | Free to try | $89.95 | 22/03/2004 | 606KB | 2,170 |
SnapMail 4.2Send messages, files, and voice mail instantly. Windows 98/2000/XP | Free to try | $69.00 | 15/03/2004 | 3.36MB | 2,132 |
Mail Them Pro 7.04Send an unlimited number of mass mailings and manage mailing lists. Windows (all) | Free to try | $69.95 | 11/03/2004 | 1.12MB | 2,407 |
Message Executive 5.0Organize, find, and access messages in your mailbox. Windows 95/98/2000/XP/2003 Server | Free to try | $24.00 | 09/03/2004 | 652KB | 2,048 |
Attachment Executive for Outlook 5.0Liberate the storage space for Outlook messages by removing attachments. Windows 95/98/2000/XP/2003 Server | Free to try | $24.00 | 09/03/2004 | 652KB | 2,244 |
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