Add legal disclaimers and signatures to your e-mail. With this feature, you can attach text and images to any incoming or outgoing e-mail. eXclaimer can simply add a standard legal disclaimer to every outgoing mail, or it can make professional-looking e-mail that conforms to a particular style, with company logos and colors. eXclaimer can use variable fields from the Active Directory, which behave in the same way as mailmerge fields in a word processor. Using these fields, the attached text can be highly personalized automatically. By integrating with the Active Directory, this feature can be customized for every individual or for whole groups or departments. Monitor and archive your internal and Internet e-mail; eXclaimer?s e-mail monitoring feature allows copies of internal, incoming or outoing e-mail to be discreetly sent to a specified mailbox. As eXclaimer integrates with the Active Directory, you can enable or disable this feature by individual user, group, domain, or e-mail address.