Block pesky ads, pop-ups, pop-under, & spying cookies in Netscape, Internet Explorer, & Mozilla, AOL, Opera. Can also be started manually or at windows startup or with your browser window startup. Instant Notification - Play one of many sounds. Works with modems, LAN, cable, DSL, ISDN, T1-3, wireless connections. Block Banner Ads: Remove all the clutter of all the flashing banner ads. Block pop-ups and pop-under ads including X10 & Casino Windows. Comes in many languages and adding your own is easy. This software contains advanced pop-up, pop-under, pop-up windows, and Ad Blocking prevention technology. Ad Shield technology suppresses bandwidth-sucking banner ads. The interface allows you to monitor the number of pop-ups blocked. It engages automatically when you start up IE, working silently in the background like a skilled assassin to keep you safe from unwanted pop-up intruders, while leaving windows alone that you WANT to open. Preserve bandwidth by blocking pop-ups before they load.