The Xpert Keyboard is a fast and easy alternative to the standard QWERTY keyboard (designed in 1878 to slow typing and to prevent the jamming of mechanical keys). Built for speed and ease of transition, the Xpert Keyboard enables average touch-typing speeds of 40wpm with no training. Opposite-hand keystokes go from 50 percent on the QWERTY keyboard to 83 percent on Xpert. The admired Dvorak keyboard of 1936 scores 80 percent, but it moves 24 letters and is hard to learn. In contrast, the Xpert Keyboard moves only two common letters, A and N, and provides a second E key (13 percent of all letters typed), making transition from QWERTY easy. Speed tests are important. Xpert is faster than it feels, and your speed can double without you noticing. Get a word count by going to File, then Properties, then Statistics. Test QWERTY for five to 10 minutes, then test Xpert after 20 hours of use.