This desktop encryption software stops prying eyes. PC users can now secure documents in such a way that sensitive files on hard drives and e-mail attachments are totally unreadable to unauthorized users.
Users can drag and drop sensitive files into the Wincrypt window, select a password, and then e-mail the file to the intended recipient. The only people able to read the document are the holders of the password. The file is protected by 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).
Encryption is similar to a jigsaw puzzle. Document can be broken or scrambled up into many parts by an encryption application such as Wincrypt. This means that your file is unreadable and can only be reassembled by decrypting it with your chosen password. Wincrypt features further security options, including an antilogging onscreen keyboard that prevents monitoring from keyboard taps and listeners. Its self-decrypting function also allows recipients to decrypt files without the need to install the software.