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WinDriversBackup Professional 1.0.5

WinDriversBackup Professional Edition is designed specifically for backing up your Windows system driver files. Using WinDriversBackup you can easily save all of your Windows driver files in two mouse clicks. WinDriversBackup will identify all your driver files and save them to a single, secure location. Includes print of current or saved driver details, a driver manager to track your backed up drivers and a compare feature to flush out older driver files. Backing up your Windows driver files means they will be available to you the next time you need to reinstall the driver or the whole operating system.

WinDriversBackup Professional Edition places the driver files in one organized location of your choosing. WinDriversBackup Professional Edition is especially helpful in situations where you have a computer in your possession and its internal hardware is unknown. WinDriversBackup Professional Edition can identify the hardware on the system and the associated drivers - then back them up to a specified location. WinDriversBackup Professional Edition is even network compatible - you can just as easily connect to a remote computer on your network and backup driver files.


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Free to try




Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP




Some features limited



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See Also

Startup Faster 2004 2.01

Improve the speed of system start-ups by launching applications one at a time.

My Drivers 3.11

Extract, backup, restore, and update all the device drivers on your PC.

ShadowUser Pro 2.00.23

Create a virtual copy of your system for private and safe Web surfing.



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