WebD71 generates ecommerce websites for photographers. The site generated allows photographs to be grouped and presented with thumbnails and higher resolutions. The higher resolution images are protected from customer download. Orders through the site are email invoices sent to the photographer, with the customer's name, phone number, email address, and a list of the photographs they wish to purchase. The generated site is technically sophisticated but requires no special knowledge to update it with new photos. Three navigation skeletons are possible, which allow flexibility with respect to privacy and searching. Each navigation skeleton can support up to three languages.
WebD71 is a unique product. It does not require any installation. It runs stand-alone from the product CD. It is stable and reliable because the run-time environment is on the CD. WebD71 is not dependent upon your particular operating system, nor is it susceptible to the bugs present on your operating system.
Note: The trial version does not generate Web sites. The licensed version generates two Web sites: (A) static HTML Web site; (B) functional Web site. The functional Web site is a mixture of HTML and CGI files.