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Web Designers 411 1.0

Web Designers 411 Software stores and organizes all of your javascripts, actionscripts, audio loops, sound fx, swf?s, videos, html files, and your favorite links into one central location. The software will sort the information by name or category and also provides a blazing fast keyword search feature that will never let you forget where you placed that ?centered pop up window javascript? again. Web Designers 411 also automatically stores the size (kb) and type (mp3, wav, mpg, avi, swf) of your loop, sound fx, or video file. You can sort your loops by size making it easy to choose a small size loop that will load quickly on the web. The slick navigation system makes it quick and easy to locate and play your loops, sound fx, videos, swf?s, and html files. In addition, Web Designers 411 Software will also store and organize your domain expiration dates, site check comments, site changes, awards, dates you submitted it to search engines, cost per click campaign information, hosting info, ?who is? info, control panel login info, ip server info, shopping cart system notes, links you have established to your sites, and more.

The software also provides you with over 100 resourceful links to free javascript sites, free stock photography sites, free loop/sound fx sites, actionscript sites, flash and html forums, flash inspirational sites, free font sites, and more. Have you developed a cool site and want to receive some recognition for it? How about submitting it to award sites. The software will provide you with many free links to popular award sites on the web. 411 Software also supplies you with links to site check forums. These sites will give you feedback and comments on your sites design, etc. The software will even help you market your website. It provides direct links to the major search engine submission pages and also stores the date you submitted your site to the search engines. Last but not least, the software comes with 3 useful bonus items that you will find very handy.


File size:


Date added:



Free to try




Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP




5-record limit



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See Also

Free Monitor for Google 2.0

Find out your Web site's position in Google keyword search results.

LinkMachine 1.06

Find and exchange Web links that match your site, correct link errors, and update link pages.

WebRating 1.0

Monitor your Web page downloads in real time or produce reports.



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