NT Event logging provides a standard, centralized way for applications to record important software and hardware events. The Event Viewer provides a centralized view of all these events. To log event to the to NT Event Log, a developer needs to create a message file (.mc) which gets compiled by the Resouce Compiler into a .RES file which itself is embedded in a resource DLL that is used by the Event Viewer. Microsoft's Visual Studio does not provide a specialized editor for message files. Maintaining large message files with multi-language support can quickly become a very tedious task.
Visual mc is a graphical editor that allows the creation and editing of message files (.mc) for use with Microsoft's Message Compiler (1.x). Visual mc integrates with Visual Studio 6.0 or can be used as a standalone product. Visual mc supports multiple languages, facilities, severities, choice of message id type definition, and automatic id generation.
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