Based on award winning technology, Hauri??s ViRobot Expert provides protection from viruses and malicious threats including spyware and spam email. Using its proprietary Qaud-engine scanning technology, the ViRobot engines run concurrently to accurately detect viruses with high-speed and accuracy before they ever reach your computer. Built for 32 bit operating system environments in its core engine, the ViRobot Expert is able to detect and eradicate viruses in 'real time' on the fly using heuristic technologies without the need to download cleaning utilities. Global Hauri products provide low systems usage enabling consumers and enterprises with minimal down time.
ViRobot has attained the market standard certifications such as Checkmark(1, 2, Trojan), VB 100% in 2003, and Microsoft XP Logo Certification. ViRobot Expert was awarded 'Best Product Software' by Gartner's RetailVision 2004.