Alnini.comInternet » Utilities » Traffic-O-Matic

Traffic-O-Matic 1.0

Traffic-O-Matic 1.0 free advertising software offers free Web site promotion to over 650,000 search engines, targeted directories, free classified ad sites, top sites, and online malls. Automatically--Every Day! 100% Unattended. Collects 1,000's of e-mail addresses and generates daily income. Reprint Rights: You may purchase Reprint Rights for $24.95. This will allow your ad to be listed as the sponsor of this software. When you purchase 'Traffic-O-Matic Reprint Rights' you will also get your very own Traffic-O-Matic Web site that your visitors can go to and download your custom copy of Traffic-O-Matic 1.0 free advertising software. You can update your ad anytime you want at no additional charge! Change your ad daily, weekly, or at any interval you want! You can promote any product or service you want and change it at anytime you want. You can see how valuable this opportunity can be! When you purchase 'Traffic-O-Matic Reprint Rights' you can now include your links on each of the traffic generating tools included in the Traffic Generators section. Click on the Traffic Generators button to see what this includes. This virtually guaranties you more traffic. Additionally, with the '8 Viral Profit Pulling Generators' tool you will be able to generate a 50% commission on both back-end products and affiliate programs that you never even have to market yourself...they are built-in to the software itself. This is the real power you get when customizing the Traffic-O-Matic 1.0 software. The Bottom Line: Traffic-O-Matic combines several of today's hottest Web marketing and traffic building techniques into a unique system that anyone can use to make money and generate tremendous non-stop traffic.


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Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP, Internet Explorer 5.0





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See Also

HTML2Image 0.2a

Convert a list of URLs to images.

Hotel Scout 1.03

Search for a suitable hotel and make a reservation online.

Toolbar Shopper 1.0

Search up to five search engines and remove personal information from online caching.



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