TimeSheet Calculator consists of three utilities that calculate time. The first is a time calculator that allows you to add or subtract hours, minutes, and seconds. There's no need to convert minutes to decimals, perform the calculation, then convert the result back to minutes. With Time Calc, you just enter your hours and minutes, and the rest is done for you. The second tool is for employees who maintain time sheets every day. Using a built-in punch clock, you enter the times that you start/finish work. TimeSheet maintains a grand total of the hours you're clocked in. It calculates your pay rate with a customized overtime formula. TimeSheet then calculates your regular salary, overtime earnings, and total earnings. The third tool is for people who track the time spent on a particular project. Punchclock enables you to punch in/out for the projects you're working on. You set up and monitor times for your projects and clients. Punchclock then uses this information to print an invoice.