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TPL Tables 5.1

From the developer: TPL Tables is powerful cross tabulation software that produces tabular reports for data analysis, presentation, or publication. You can design tables in an endless variety of ways, tabulate unlimited amounts of data, and produce tables of a few lines or hundreds of pages. You can select subsets of your data, compute new variables, define new categories and calculate maximums, minimums, medians and percentiles. Table requests can be built with a "drag and drop" interface. The requests are saved as a sequence of statements that you can reuse and modify interactively or edit as text. You can precisely control details of table format such as widths, alignments, fonts, spacing, and footnotes for labels and data. You can edit PostScript tables interactively with changes viewable on the screen. Tables can be exported as HTML for web publishing or for use with spreadsheet software such as MS Excel. A script language gives you the option of running a sequence of TPL jobs and other commands in "batch". Scripts are useful for jobs you need to re-run from month to month or year to year, or for a long, repetitive series of similar jobs. The TPL-SQL database interface lets you tabulate data directly from leading database systems such as SAS, SPSS, Oracle, Sybase, MS Access and SQL Server. TPL-SQL is an optional add-on feature that works via ODBC. It uses the data descriptions stored in the database to help you build a TPL codebook (data description) interactively and generates the required SQL commands to read the data required for your tables.


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Free to try


Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP, Unix




Tabulattion from provided files only



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See Also

Call Assistant 2.0.7

Manage caller ID information and maintain detailed ongoing records of incoming phone call activity.

Call Accounting Mate 2.6.1

Monitor incoming and outgoing calls as they are made.

Process Developer Enterprise Edition 2.1

Map information flows specific to any process.



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