SpamSubtract is an easy-to-use program that keeps unwanted e-mail out of your Inbox. SpamSubtract automatically imports users? existing e-mail address books to create a Friends List. The use of the 'white list' technique ensures that e-mails from business associates and friends are never blocked. Additional addresses and domains can be easily added at any time. Users can also create their own custom 'blacklist' of e-mail addresses or domains they want to block from their Inboxes. SpamSubtract uses an intelligent filtering model to distinguish between legitimate e-mail and spam. Suspected spam is color-coded within the Review window for easy review and deletion. SpamSubtract adds another layer of protection to your e-mail program and PC. Files attached to suspected spam and unknown addresses are quarantined in the SpamSubtract review window ? protecting your PC from a potential virus or spyware attachment.