Spam Sleuth Enterprise eliminates spam, removes potential viruses, requires very little configuration, and provides you with statistical reports. The software resides on your e-mail server and screens out spam before it reaches your e-mail server. Spam Sleuth uses a point system to filter out junk e-mail messages; the software has analyzers that look at an e-mail in a different way to assign points. More points is bad, less points is good. Spam Sleuth includes a Web and PC client that allows users to configure spam settings and view all spam messages received. Spam Sleuth does not affect user's configurations. Your e-mail server stays the same whether it be a Linux server, SendMail, MS Exchange, SLMail, IMail, and so on. User's won't need to make changes, they'll just notice a lack of spam. Email Stamps requires senders to pay a fee via PayPal before a message will arrive in your inbox. Turing Test requires senders to enter a validation code before an e-mail will arrive in your inbox.