Blocks Spam from your Inbox. Spam Blackout is safe and easy-to-use. Powerful Spam Filtering Engine. Works with any e-mail client program e.g. MS Outlook etc. Downloads from Hotmail, POP3 & IMAP. Spam Filters include Internet BlackList lookup for known spammers so that contact with them is prohibited, Friends/Enemy List to allow you to receive e-mails from friends only, Bayesian Analysis which calculates the probability of a message being spam-based on its contents, Regular Spam Expressions, E-mail Attachment Filter with the ability to delete, quarantine or compress particular e-mails as they come through, options to strip all HTML, dangerous HTML and attachments from e-mails.
The Spam Blackout Spam Filtering engine has a plug-in architecture, allowing you to add new Spam Filters. Spam Blackout places Spam securely in its Spam Queue and places e-mails containing viruses into Quarantine. Comes with a Virus Proof e-mail viewer.