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Security & Encryption

Programs in category: 545.
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Microsoft Excel 2002 for Windows Macro Modification Security Vulnerability Patch MS01-050

Prevent hackers from exploiting a security flaw in Excel 2002 macros.

Windows (all) | Free

Microsoft PowerPoint 2000 for Windows Macro Modification Security Vulnerability Patch MS01-050

Prevent hackers from exploiting a security flaw in PowerPoint 2000 macros.

Windows (all) | Free

Windows NT Invalid RDP Data Memory Leak Vulnerability MS01-040

Resolve a memory leak in one of the functions that processes incoming Remote Data Protocol (RDP).

Windows NT | Free

Windows 2000 Invalid RDP Data Memory Leak Vulnerability MS01-040

Resolve a memory leak in one of the functions that processes incoming Remote Data Protocol (RDP).

Windows 2000 | Free

Windows 2000 Invalid RDP Data Vulnerability Patch MS01-052

Prevent malicious users from causing your Windows 2000 server to fail.

Windows 2000 | Free

Windows NT Invalid RDP Data Vulnerability Patch MS01-052

Prevent malicious users from causing your Windows NT server to fail.

Windows NT | Free

Windows 2000 NNTP Denial of Service Vulnerability Patch MS01-043

Prevent malicious users from disrupting the operation of your server.

Windows 2000 | Free

Windows NT RPC Endpoint Mapper Vulnerability Patch MS01-048

Prevent malicious exploitation of a flaw in the Windows NT endpoint mapper.

Windows NT | Free

Windows NT NNTP Denial of Service Vulnerability Patch MS01-043

Prevent malicious users from disrupting the operation of your server.

Windows NT | Free

Microsoft Outlook View Control Vulnerability Patch MS01-038

Prevent hackers from accessing Outlook e-mail folders.

Windows NT/2000 | Free

Windows 2000 SMTP Mail Relaying Vulnerability Patch MS01-037

Prevent malicious users from relaying e-mail messages from your PC.

Windows NT/2000 | Free

Windows 2000 IrDA Driver Access Violation Patch MS01-046

Prevent users from crashing your system by sending malformed data frames to your PC's infrared port.

Windows NT/2000 | Free

Microsoft Windows 2000 Password Patch 5.0

Fix the Windows 2000 bug that causes an error when trying to log on to NetWare.

Windows 2000 | Free

File Buddy 3.01

Encrypt and decrypt files on your PC.

Windows 95/98/NT/2000 | Free to try | $20.00

Microsoft PowerPoint 2000 SR-1 Update: Extended Parsing Vulnerability Patch (1/25/01)

Patch a vulnerability in PowerPoint that could allow arbitrary code to be executed on your computer.

Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP | Free

Silver Key 2.01

Encrypt files and make self-extracting files.

Windows 95/98/NT/2000 | Free to try | $19.95

Microsoft Word 2002 Macro Vulnerability Patch MS01-034

Prevent Word from running macros without warning.

Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP | Free

Windows 2000 HyperTerminal Buffer Overflow Vulnerability Patch May 25, 2001

Resolve the 'HyperTerminal Buffer Overflow' security vulnerability in Windows 2000.

Windows 2000 | Free

Windows Me HyperTerminal Buffer Overflow Vulnerability May 24, 2001

Get this HyperTerminal Vulnerability Patch from Microsoft.

Windows Me | Free

Windows 2000 Predictable Name Pipes Vulnerability Patch MS01-031

Address a security vulnerability in the Windows 2000 Telnet service.

Windows 2000 | Free

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