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Security & Encryption

Programs in category: 545.
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Windows 2000 Predictable Name Pipes Vulnerability Patch MS01-031

Address a security vulnerability in the Windows 2000 Telnet service.

Windows 2000 | Free

Windows 2000 RPC Interface Buffer Overrun Security Vulnerability Patch 823980

Protect your Windows 2000 computer from the "MSBlast" worm.

Windows 2000 | Free

Windows 2000 SMTP Mail Relaying Vulnerability Patch MS01-037

Prevent malicious users from relaying e-mail messages from your PC.

Windows NT/2000 | Free

Windows 2000 SMTP Malformed Data Transfer Vulnerability Patch MS02-012

Prevent a possible Denial of Service Attack with this patch for Windows 2000.

Windows 2000 | Free

Windows 2000 SNMP Unchecked Buffer Vulnerability Patch MS02-006

Prevent malicious users from running harmful code or launching a Denial of Service attack on your Windows 2000 system.

Windows 2000 | Free

Windows 2000/NT Password Recovery Key 3.5

Reset passwords for Windows 2000/NT.

Windows NT/2000 | Free to try | $95.00

Windows 98 Unchecked Buffer Help Security Vulnerability Patch MS02-055

Prevent a malicious user from running an unauthorized program on your computer with this security update.

Windows 98 | Free

Windows Digital Certificate Spoofing Hazard Vulnerability Patch MS01-017 (3/28/01)

Prevent your computer from accepting erroneously signed VeriSign digital certificates.

Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP | Free

Windows Me Exposed Passwords in Compressed Files Vulnerability Patch MS01-019 (3/28/01)

Patch a security vulnerability in Windows Me allowing data-compression passwords to be recovered.

Windows Me | Free

Windows Me HyperTerminal Buffer Overflow Vulnerability May 24, 2001

Get this HyperTerminal Vulnerability Patch from Microsoft.

Windows Me | Free

Windows Media Player 6.4 Cumulative Vulnerability Patch MS02-032

Prevent malicious users from exploiting security vulnerabilities in Windows Media Player 6.4.

Windows (all) | Free

Windows Media Player ASF Unchecked Buffer Vulnerability MS01-056

Patch two security vulnerabilities in Windows Media Player.

Windows 95/98/NT/2000 | Free

Windows NT 4.0 "Winsock Mutex" Vulnerability Patch MS01-003

Eliminate a security vulnerability in Windows NT 4.0 affecting network access permissions.

Windows NT | Free

Windows NT 4.0 RPC Interface Buffer Overrun Security Vulnerability Patch 823980

Protect your Windows NT 4.0 server from the "MSBlast" worm.

Windows NT | Free

Windows NT 4.0 Terminal Server Edition "Winsock Mutex" Vulnerability Patch MS01-003

Eliminate a security vulnerability in Windows NT 4.0 affecting network access permissions.

Windows NT | Free

Windows NT Invalid RDP Data Memory Leak Vulnerability MS01-040

Resolve a memory leak in one of the functions that processes incoming Remote Data Protocol (RDP).

Windows NT | Free

Windows NT Invalid RDP Data Vulnerability Patch MS01-052

Prevent malicious users from causing your Windows NT server to fail.

Windows NT | Free

Windows NT Multiple UNC Provider Vulnerability Patch MS02-017

Protect your Windows NT system from malicious attacks.

Windows NT | Free

Windows NT NNTP Denial of Service Vulnerability Patch MS01-043

Prevent malicious users from disrupting the operation of your server.

Windows NT | Free

Windows NT Registry Permissions Vulnerability Patch 1.0

Correct the permissions on several registry values for Windows NT.

Windows NT | Free

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