CodeREAPx lets you view, edit and rip all source code including frame windows, redirection pages, hidden source code, text files, javascript, cascading style sheets and popup windows. Web pages that protect source code with mouse right-click protection or display pages with no address bar or toolbars can also be viewed. You can now determine the URL of that popup window you hate. The source code of any web page normally viewable with Internet Explorer can be accessed.
CodeREAPx does not use any browser components to download files but accesses the files directly - you view the original source code, not the browser's interpretation of the data. CodeREAPx does not bypass security systems nor access databases. A drop-down menu and window displays all instances of Internet Explorer currently running allowing you to rip the source code, activate or close any Internet Explorer window at the click of a button. You can save source code to your local machine and open them later for editing in CodeREAPx or your favorite editor.