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SciencePrograms in category: 153. Displaying: 141-160. Page: 8 of 8.
Name, description | Date added | File Size | Downloads |
Carnoy 1.0Use this image analysis tool to make measurements. Windows (all) | Free to try | $15.00 | 11/09/2001 | 2.62MB | 1,784 |
Power Age Sky Simulator 3.0Design a map of the Sun, the Moon, and planets, comets and asteroids. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000 | Free to try | $35.00 | 08/09/2001 | 17MB | 1,752 |
RVal 1.10Find the nearest preferred resistor values within a given tolerance. Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP | Free to try | $19.56 | 05/09/2001 | 35KB | 1,757 |
FreqGenie 1.0Turn your computer speaker into a signal generator. Windows 95/98/Me | Free | 02/09/2001 | 8KB | 1,806 |
Usama's Molar Mass 1.0.0Calcuate the molar mass of compounds and more with this chemical calculator. Windows (all) | Free | 02/09/2001 | 287KB | 1,699 |
GaLa Reinforcement 3.3Calculate necessary reinforcements, check R/C sections, generate failure surfaces, and more. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000 | Free to try | $89.00 | 24/08/2001 | 1.93MB | 1,750 |
EZ Unit Converter Wizard 2002 4.00Convert units between any measurement system. Windows 95/98/NT/2000 | Free to try | $20.00 | 14/08/2001 | 1.99MB | 1,753 |
RJS Graph 3.00Produce professional scientific and mathematical graphs with this range of data analyzing tools. Windows 95/98/NT/2000 | Free | 01/08/2001 | 4.44MB | 1,774 |
SB Oscillograph 1.0Make different measurements or scientific explorations with a digital oscillograph. Windows 95/98/NT/2000 | Free to try | $24.00 | 02/05/2001 | 31KB | 1,726 |
SimChemistry 2.2Simulate molecular behavior on your PC screen. Windows 95/98/NT | Free to try | $72.00 | 12/01/2001 | 897KB | 1,680 |
Physics Animations 2.0View animated physics experiments with theory explanations. Windows 95/98/NT/2000 | Free | 13/12/2000 | 1.3MB | 1,846 |
GPSMap 5.0Determine your exact position on the earth. Windows 95/98 | Free to try | $25.00 | 29/09/2000 | 5.33MB | 1,774 |
Sidereal Clock 1.0Astronomy buffs: Download this sidereal clock for your desktop. Windows 95/98 | Free | 26/06/2000 | 1.74MB | 1,739 |
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