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SNTP Service 2.3.0

From the developer: "This is an SNTP time synchronization client/server for the more advanced user wishing to provide SNTP time synchronization services under Windows NT4 and Windows 2000. This product incorporates full SNTP client and server functionality in complete compliance with RFC2030 - Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) Version 4. Why then is there a need for this new product? Well, unlike YATS32, the SNTPService product is targeted specifically to the Windows NT and Windows 2000 server environment. It builds on the experience and time tested algorithms developed for YATS32 without carrying forward the legacy requirements of that application. The SNTPService product consists of 2 main components: The NT service application, that runs in the background performing various time synchronization tasks, and the control panel applet that is run from the system control panel to set up synchronization parameters. Targeting the time synchronization function to the Windows NT service framework has many advantages that cannot be exploited by YATS32, which has a much broader mandate. For example: The service application does not incorporate a graphical user interface (GUI). The required control interface is provided by the service control panel applet. Thus the service, the part that is constantly running in the background, does not need to include the Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC) and reduces its memory requirements by a factor of 10. This leaner application is also specifically optimized to execute as an NT service. What this means is that the SNTPService application runs with drastically reduced system overhead and consumes little of servers resources.

"This update features new support for Windows Management Interface, providing centralized control for enterprise environment."


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Windows NT/2000/XP





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