The main utility, the Comport, is included in the ReMapPro package that makes serial (RS232) data from your PC available on TCP/IP-based networks and makes TCP/IP data available on serial ports on your PC. This makes it possible for any other computer on the same network to send and receive serial data through a remote serial port on the PC where the Comport is running. You can connect to the remote serial port by connecting to a TCP/IP port. Features include: ComPort converts serial (RS232) data to the TCP/IP packets format and TCP/IP packets to serial data. DuplexDr creates virtual serial port pairs. Comserv runs ComPort on NT as a NT Service. ComSetup is a configuration utility for managing TCP/IP communication settings.
Version 2.2 implementes the new element, 'fork', in the TCP/IP Server mode. This provides splitting of the serial data flow.