RTG Bills is a legal time and billing program for law firms. For each matter, you can enter hourly rates, fixed fees, and expenses. Rates are taken from a rate table, and up to 99 rate tables can be created, so different matters can use the same or different rates. It permits long descriptions and allows shorthand codes for faster text entry. Task and activity codes are optional. Prebills can be printed for internal review before billing. Bills can be viewed onscreen or printed for mailing to clients. Client cover pages can be used to summarize several matters for one client. RTG Timer lets you time your work as you do it. It allows quick switching between matters as you move from task to task. Fees and expenses can be released to RTG Bills when you are ready to bill them. RTG Timer communicates with RTG Bills over a network, or it can be used standalone on a home computer or on a notebook computer while you travel. Version 2.1 adds client reminders, practice areas, and more.