Issue and track Corrective Action Request (CAR), which complies with ISO9000 requirements, Supplier Corrective Action Request (SCAR), or Safety Action Request(SAR) for a quality assurance/quality control system or continuous improvement for Six Sigma projects. Main features: 1) Paperless dispatching, tracking, and follow-up of CARs in a template that complies with ISO9000 requirements. 2) Sync CARs among different users (suppliers). 3) Process/product knowledge base to sum up the lessons-learned and the best practice to prevent problems and transfer the best practice to new product lines. 4) Built-in CAR management flow chart for easy deployment and navigation.
New in version 3.0: 1) Using Cost of Quality (COQ/COPQ) and Risk and Priority Number (RPN) to direct improvement initiatives. 2) Comprehensive action effectiveness review and verification. 3) CAR System Long-term-performance review, and CAR System Dashboard. 4) Monitoring the action status and highlighting the coming-due actions.