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Priority Master III 3.2

From the developer: "The Priority Master III program is designed to give you a wide range of controls over the relative priority of the running programs. This gives a faster response time that makes it perform like a faster computer when multitasking. The Auto CD/DVD Burn Mode Status MAXI-PROTECT Package enables error-free CD/DVD burning for non 'burn proof' burners and always produces the fastest possible burn time. It has full time active priority scanning logic to support true 'set and forget' process prioritization. This is supported by a very simple 'priority-less' user interface that employs an arbitrary group name to a real internal priority association. Once the priority is set, the process will have that priority any time that it starts to run. This includes starting the program from the desktop, Start button, Startup folder, using the explorer to run the program and even if it is launched by another program.

"The process priority is visually displayed in the window title and on the Task Bar. It has a full time 'priority jack hammer' that checks the process priority and forces the priority that was originally set. There is also an optional automatic foreground priority boost. The DEFENDER can set all programs to be Idle for fast system wide responses or end all running widowed programs with a single button. The Program Class Distribution Analysis and Physical Memory Usage Status provide polychromatic status reporting on the dialog background and on the system tray icon. This gives a full time indication of the actual performance metric. It also has more advanced features in the Manual Override to dynamically change the priority, end the process, bring the process to the foreground and manage a Hot List and a Run List of prioritized program sets."

Note: The demo version does not save the user options, the priority jack hammer is disabled and there are limits on the number of times that the specific features can be run without restarting the program. The demo version does not have a time limit.

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Windows NT/2000/XP




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