Pixbyte AntiSpam AVE provides a comprehensive protection against viruses, worms, other malware and filters unwanted spam mails. It combines an excellent spam filter with a reliable virus scanner. Both analyze your incoming and outgoing emails before they are actually sent or received. E-mail programs send sensitive information through your computer. The SMTP Cleaner as a part of Pixbyte AntiSpam AVE can filter this "secretly" transmitted data (SMTP Header: the machine name, IP address) to prevent information leakage to possible hackers or spammers. Pixbyte AntiSpam AVE can be used to filter mail en route from the mail server to the client software (Microsoft Outlook or Express, Eudora, and every POP3 e-mail client software). The client program connects to the Proxy which in turn connects to the mail server. The e-mails that the server returns or those sent by the email client pass through the proxy and are scanned and in case of spam or viruses appropriate action will be taken.
Version features redesigned user interface and improves spam recognition by adding new rules and updating current rule set.