If you love taking digital photos but have little time or desire to learn professional programs for making standard-size prints, sending photo e-mails, and performing minor photo enhancements, Photolightning is the solution for you. Following three easy steps, you can process a typical set of 24 photos in five minutes or less. Save time and money on costly photo paper by using standard templates from major manufacturers. Make photo e-mails small and easy to read by eliminating attachments. The program detects your camera and downloads your photos. It has a lightning-fast thumbnail browser; offers red-eye reduction, cropping, and autolevels/autocontrast; fixes backlighting; adds Flash; fixes out-of-focus photos; crops; sharpens; and boosts colors. It has complete batch-processing functions, CD/DVD burning, print previewing, album-page printing, and posting to Weblogs; creates HTML slide shows for e-mailing or posting to a Web site; and has complete album/organize features. Version 3.2 adds a blogware uploader.