•Business » Personal Info Managers |
Personal Info ManagersPrograms in category: 190. Displaying: 1-20. Page: 1 of 10.
Name, description | Date added | File Size | Downloads |
VIP Organizer 1.2Track your everyday tasks, save your diary, and manage appointments, to-do lists, and schedules. Windows (all) | Free to try | $19.95 | 26/07/2004 | 3.22MB | 1,953 |
GYZ Personal Database 1.1.1Create your own form templates to store personal information. Windows 98/Me/2000/XP | Free to try | $29.95 | 26/07/2004 | 960KB | 1,892 |
ReadytoPrint Organizer 4.72Create and print calendars, address books, and expense forms. Windows (all) | Free to try | $19.95 | 22/07/2004 | 1.5MB | 1,956 |
Hoo Schedule Master 1.0Work out schedules and manage your time. Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 Server | Free to try | $19.95 | 19/07/2004 | 2.17MB | 1,695 |
MasterList-XL Standard Version 1.18Organize, track, and schedule all of your business and personal tasks. Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP | Free | 19/07/2004 | 1.2MB | 1,893 |
FileEzy 2.0See your file system as a virtual file cabinet. Windows (all) | Free to try | $19.95 | 18/07/2004 | 7.48MB | 1,665 |
X2Net Smart Address 5.0Organize contact information, keep track of all contact activity. Windows (all) | Free to try | $49.95 | 06/07/2004 | 4.07MB | 1,767 |
Taskline 2.0.32Have your Outlook task list automatically scheduled. Windows (all) | Free to try | $50.00 | 06/07/2004 | 1.14MB | 1,606 |
OEComplete 1.6.8Integrate an appointment scheduler and a task manager with Microsoft Outlook Express. Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP | Free to try | $24.95 | 05/07/2004 | 15.6MB | 1,652 |
OfficeCalendar Server for Microsoft Outlook 1.2Create group calendars in Microsoft Outlook and share calendars with your colleagues. Windows (all) | Free to try | $79.00 | 05/07/2004 | 1.33MB | 1,680 |
Barca 1.0 build 700Integrate e-mail program, personal information manager, and project planner in a single interface. Windows 98/NT/2000/XP/2003 Server | Free to try | $59.95 | 05/07/2004 | 4.13MB | 1,717 |
MOBILedit Lite 1Control your mobile phone from the PC via Bluetooth, Infrared, or cable. Windows 98/Me/2000/XP | Free | 29/06/2004 | 7.92MB | 2,653 |
Filofax Daily Planner 1.4Store various data, including PINs and passwords, using encryption technology. Windows (all) | Free to try | $30.00 | 28/06/2004 | 3.69MB | 1,764 |
Cute Reminder 2.0Set up not annoying reminders and manage desktop notes minimizing the number of mouse clicks. Windows 98/Me/2000/XP | Free to try | $24.95 | 21/06/2004 | 1.41MB | 1,661 |
A-book 3.1Store the names, numbers, addresses, birthdays, and other information of everyone you know. Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP | Free to try | $29.95 | 16/06/2004 | 1.78MB | 1,825 |
OmniChex Web 4.0Make your Web site interactive. Windows (all) | Free | 04/06/2004 | 1.43MB | 1,719 |
UVC 2.6Combine instant messaging and chat with personal organization features. Windows (all) | Free | 01/06/2004 | 6.46MB | 1,686 |
Manage Your Contacts 5.0Store and manage your contact information including names, addresses, and phone numbers. Windows (all) | Free to try | $24.95 | 31/05/2004 | 1.62MB | 1,668 |
Goalwriter 2.0Facilitate goals and keep yourself on track. Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP | Free to try | $20.00 | 28/05/2004 | 933KB | 1,701 |
Haxial Organizer 1.05Create databases for storing personal data and check out time in various locations. Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 Server | Free to try | $20.00 | 28/05/2004 | 429KB | 1,653 |
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