•Business » Personal Finance |
Personal FinancePrograms in category: 148. Displaying: 121-140. Page: 7 of 8.
Name, description | Date added | File Size | Downloads |
AutoShare 1.28List and analyze shares on the London Stock Exchange and maintain a portfolio of shares you bought. Windows (all) | Free to try | $71.00 | 23/06/2004 | 758KB | 1,609 |
YViewIt 1.1Monitor and analyze your investments using visual dynamic interface. Windows 98/2000/NT/XP | Free to try | $29.99 | 26/01/2004 | 748KB | 1,432 |
Just Checking 2.23Manage your checking account with this intuitive accounting program. Windows (all) | Free to try | $10.00 | 30/12/2002 | 734KB | 1,459 |
The Financial File Converter 2.12Convert date formats between different Quicken/Money versions and QIF files to/from other formats. Windows 95/98/NT/2000 | Free to try | $20.00 | 24/08/2001 | 689KB | 1,476 |
Showcalc Tape Calculator 5.0Manage your calculations and check them on a scrolling tape. Windows (all) | Free to try | $17.50 | 13/11/2002 | 681KB | 1,455 |
QuoteRetriever 1.0Retrieve and manage multiple stocks at a time. Windows 98/NT/2000/XP | Free to try | $20.00 | 09/03/2004 | 634KB | 1,539 |
Loanalyzer 1.0Gain insight into your loans. Windows 98/NT/2000/XP | Free | 26/08/2003 | 590KB | 1,465 |
Loan Calculator by Schwenk 2002.0.1Calculate loan payments for your car, home, and more. Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP | Free | 16/02/2002 | 583KB | 1,525 |
CheckBook 1.1Balance your checkbook and store or print the details using a simple window interface. Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP | Free to try | $10.00 | 07/01/2003 | 399KB | 1,477 |
NASDAQ Stock Market Toolbar 1.08Access information about your investments Windows (all) | Free | 18/11/2002 | 350KB | 1,406 |
Quotestream 2.0Monitor stock prices in Delayed Data, Real-Time Data, and Level 2 Data modes. Windows (all) | Free to try | $4.95 | 09/01/2004 | 301KB | 1,495 |
BestBudget 1.1Set up your budget, plan your income and spending, update with actual balances, review progress. Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP | Free to try | $19.80 | 23/01/2004 | 294KB | 1,479 |
StockQuery 3.0Download and analyze stock data in Microsoft Excel. Windows Me/2000/XP | Free to try | $25.00 | 13/04/2004 | 273KB | 1,509 |
Federal Money Retriever Standard 6.3.4Get prepared to apply for U.S. government grants and loans. Windows Me/NT/2000/XP | Free to try | $74.99 | 27/02/2004 | 237KB | 1,538 |
LoansOfficer 1.0Calculate payments, interest rates, amortization schedules, and outstanding balances for loans and mortgages. Windows 95/98/Me/XP | Free | 08/10/2002 | 226KB | 1,471 |
QuickFS 1.0Use this Excel-based worksheet to create a personal financial statement. Windows (all) | Free | 07/10/2002 | 213KB | 1,616 |
Checkbook 1.8Enter and balance your financial transactions. Windows 95/98/Me/XP | Free to try | $14.95 | 11/11/2003 | 210KB | 1,481 |
CoolTick Stock Ticker 8.3Watch stock information scrolling across your screen. Windows (all) | Free to try | $19.95 | 26/07/2004 | 181KB | 1,784 |
Minute Guard 1.0Track your cellular minutes via text and e-mail notifications before exceeding your limit. Windows (all) | Free | 12/04/2004 | 138KB | 1,491 |
Interactive Resume Builder 2003.6Manage your job assignments, skills, and training and post your personal information to job boards or a Web site. Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP | Free to try | $15.95 | 10/12/2003 | 132KB | 1,500 |
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