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Personal Audio Recorder 1.0

From the developer: "Personal Audio Recorder, from Family Systems, provides an easy user interface that enables you to record, store, and play back personal telephone calls. You can also record voice messages by using a microphone attached to your computer's sound card, set up the recorder to act as a telephone answering machine, and transcribe calls. Personal Audio Recorder is ideal for keeping a record of those important calls, and for communicating with other people using voice information. You can easily make your recordings suitable for playback on a Web site by using Personal Audio Recorder to convert your recordings to the Microsoft Windows Media (WMA) format.

"Personal Audio Recorder offers a wide range of features and options. Personal Audio Recorder is fully compatible with the optional Enounce 2xAV Plug-in for RealPlayer or 2xAV Plug-in for Windows Media Player. This provides distortion-free, variable speed playback, which is very important for transcribing audio recordings. If you want to to convert recordings to Windows Media Audio format, you will need the Windows Media Encoder. If this is not already installed on your PC, it is installed automatically when you install Personal Audio Recorder. If you want to be able to convert recordings to MP3 format, you will need an optional, suitable MP3 encoder program installed. Currently, the only MP3 encoder supported is AudioActive Production Studio 2."


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Windows 98/Me/2000/XP





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