•Internet » Patches & Updates |
Patches & UpdatesPrograms in category: 11. Displaying: 1-20. Page: 1 of 1.
Name, description | Date added | File Size | Downloads |
Disable Messenger Service 2.0Disable the Windows Service that is responsible for the Messenger pop-ups. Windows XP | Free | 08/07/2004 | 188KB | 2,008 |
Reporting for SUS Server 1.1Implement reporting functionality in Microsoft Software Update Services Server. Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 Server | Free | 09/06/2004 | 590KB | 2,066 |
Openwares IE Security Patch 1.0Disallow hackers to display a fake URL in the address and status bars. Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP | Free | 16/12/2003 | 267KB | 1,905 |
Internet Explorer 6 Cumulative Vulnerability Patch MS03-040Protect your system from security vulnerabilities in Internet Explorer 6. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000 | Free | 06/10/2003 | 2.12MB | 2,970 |
Internet Explorer 5.5 Cumulative Vulnerability Patch MS03-040Protect your system from security vulnerabilities in Internet Explorer 5.5 SP2. Windows (all) | Free | 06/10/2003 | 2.23MB | 4,558 |
Internet Explorer 6 Cumulative Vulnerability Patch for Windows XP MS03-040Protect your system from security vulnerabilities in Internet Explorer 6. Windows XP | Free | 06/10/2003 | 2.51MB | 2,218 |
PatchWise Free 3.25Create patches for your software. Windows (all) | Free | 12/09/2002 | 2.45MB | 1,962 |
ICQ Fixer 1.0Patch the Registry with the correct settings to place a NetMeeting call to someone else using ICQ. Windows (all) | Free | 31/05/2002 | 85KB | 1,840 |
Internet Explorer 5.01 Certificate Spoofing Vulnerability Patch MS01-027 (5/16/01)Resolve several security vulnerabilities in Internet Explorer. Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP | Free | 29/06/2001 | 352KB | 2,283 |
Outlook 2000/98 Insecurity Post Patch 1.0Remove the file attachment blocker from MS Outlook. Windows 98/NT/2000 | Free | 18/05/2001 | 180KB | 1,866 |
Microsoft Ping for Windows 95 4.00.1381.3Replace the standard Windows 95 ping tool with this update to prevent hang errors. Windows 95 | Free | 20/04/2001 | 289KB | 1,852 |
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