Panorama Express makes it very easy for you to create, manage, and publish unique and compelling virtual tour packages complete with interactive image maps, sound, scripted movements, URL, image and panorama hotspots, scene descriptions, and many more unique features.
Import all your stitched panoramas into Panorama Express to create stunning multi-node virtual tours with smooth transitions between panoramas. Use any one-shot image from any source in your virtual tour packages. Create and distribute as many virtual tour packages as you want. No keys. No royalties. Edit your images right within Panorama Express. No need for expensive image editing software. Enhance the look and feel of your virtual tour packages with a collection of cool viewer skins. Customize viewer skins with your own logo. Create cross-platform compatible panoramas with both JAVA and ActiveX. Create e-mailable stand-alone .exe panoramas. Do all these and more at the click of a button.
Note: This is a very large (45.5MB) file and may take several hours to download via dial-up modem.