![]() | •Utilities » Optimizers & Diagnostics |
Optimizers & DiagnosticsPrograms in category: 146. Displaying: 41-60. Page: 3 of 8.
Name, description | Date added | File Size | Downloads |
Fast Defrag Professional 2.16.SP1fEnhance your PC's performance and manage the memory. Windows (all) | Free to try | $8.75 | 08/02/2004 | 594KB | 1,923 |
Free Ram Optimizer XP 1.0Monitor and free up your memory when it falls below a certain minimum. Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP | Free | 30/10/2003 | 332KB | 2,461 |
FreeMem Pro 5.0View your available memory and free up memory that Windows is mistakenly holding on to. Windows (all) | Free to try | $19.95 | 22/10/2003 | 819KB | 2,225 |
FreeMeter 2.7.7Keep track of your system's resources by monitoring memory usage and space. Windows (all) | Free | 10/09/2003 | 794KB | 1,995 |
FreeRAM XP Pro 1.4Increase your system performance by cleaning the content of your RAM. Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP | Free | 13/08/2003 | 543KB | 1,991 |
Fresh Diagnose 6.6Scan your system for a complete report on your software and hardware. Windows (all) | Free | 14/05/2004 | 1.23MB | 2,001 |
HD Workbench 1.0.88Diagnose your hard disks and rescue damaged ones. Windows 2000/XP | Free to try | $19.95 | 10/03/2004 | 2.39MB | 1,842 |
HDD Temperature 1.1Monitor the current temperatures of your hard drives. Windows (all) | Free | 10/11/2002 | 1KB | 2,012 |
HDD Temperature Pro 1.1Monitor the current temperatures of your hard drives. Windows (all) | Free to try | $25.00 | 10/11/2002 | 1.05MB | 1,853 |
Hot CPU Tester Pro 4.0Test your CPU for bugs, errors, and defects. Windows (all) | Free to try | $19.95 | 26/09/2003 | 1.78MB | 2,263 |
Innovative System Optimizer - Platinum Edition 2.1Optimize, clean, and back up your registry. Windows (all) | Free to try | $24.00 | 01/06/2004 | 4.61MB | 1,851 |
Intel Application Accelerator 2.2.2Enable faster delivery of data from the hard drive to the processor and other system level hardware. Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP | Free | 29/10/2002 | 1.93MB | 2,336 |
KeepAlive Pro 2.2Monitor for non-responding applications and have them restarted automatically. Windows (all) | Free to try | $35.00 | 28/06/2004 | 4.71MB | 2,164 |
KeyboardTest 2.2Check functioning of all the keys on your keyboard. Windows (all) | Free to try | $15.00 | 04/06/2003 | 692KB | 1,903 |
Lizard Application Monitor 7.11Monitor applications and get alert notification in case of failure. Windows NT/2000/XP | Free to try | $999.00 | 23/09/2003 | 22.8MB | 1,831 |
MacExplorer 1.1Analyze Macintosh files stored on a Windows NT server. Windows NT/2000/XP | Free | 25/11/2001 | 2.51MB | 1,861 |
MemFree 3.0Gain additional RAM space with this useful program. Windows 95/98/Me | Free to try | $14.11 | 11/01/2001 | 500KB | 2,181 |
MemMonster 4.6Optimize Windows memory management to increase the amount of available physical memory. Windows (all) | Free to try | $25.00 | 13/02/2004 | 813KB | 1,927 |
Memory Sentinel Pro 1.0Free up RAM resources and increase performance of your system. Windows XP | Free to try | $20.00 | 24/03/2004 | 2.55MB | 1,864 |
Memory Zipper Plus 7.20Defrag RAM, repair leaks, and free memory. Windows (all) | Free to try | $18.00 | 10/05/2004 | 980KB | 2,032 |
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