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Offline Downloader 2.05

The Offline Downloader is conveniently designed to download Internet Web site exactly the way you want them, including or excluding any parts you need or don't need (such as directory, domain and file names, types of files, file size, or any other properties). The program contains a built-in browser that allows you to scan all sites both online and offline on your own hard drive. It offers numerous settings and options to facilitate this task. Offline Downloader can change HTML links to relative names, allowing you to move the information easily to CD or another hard drive. Offline Downloader can also be used as a convenient Web site navigator and a great tool when you need to organize hyperlinks. The program itself automatically determines the structure of the site, and you can trust it to download at night or at other times when your network load is at a minimum.

Superb filtering options enable you to pick documents by type and name;, and preset downloading depth for Web sites lets you choose to download only the first few pages of any given site, while weeding out or skipping over the stuff you don't need. The system will be a welcome addition for journalists, scientists, researchers, equity analysts, and managers, as well as people who surf the Internet in search of fun, especially those who like to browse family Web sites containing digital photo albums.


File size:


Date added:



Free to try




Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP, Internet Explorer 5.0




30-day trial, 30,000-file maximum in one session



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See Also

Chrysanth Download Manager 1.3

Manage content and downloads from the Internet or remote servers.

Imago 2.1

Locate and download images from Web sites.

Fresh Download 7.1

Accelerate file downloads from the Internet and resume broken connections.



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