Network Monitor by ActiveXperts Software allows you to monitor your network in a few clicks. It runs as a service on the Windows 2003/2000/XP/NT platform, and monitors Windows, Unix, Linux, and Novell platforms. Delivered with powerful functions to monitor Active Directory, ADSI, DNS, disk drive, disk space, DNS, event log (with content checking), Exchange 2000, file existence (with content checking), FTP site, HTTP(s) (with content checking), ICMP/Ping, MS SQL Database, Novell NDS, NTDS (NT4-compatible DS), ODBC database, Oracle databases (SQLNet), POP3 mail server, printer, process, service, SMTP mail server, TCP port (with handshaking), UDP, UNIX Shell Script (RSH), users and groups, VBScript (custom scripts), and WMI.