Moffsoft Calculator has a simple, easy-to-use interface that allows a user of any level to start crunching numbers immediately. In addition to the printable and savable calculator tape, you'll discover powerful financial functions that include the time value of money, loan payments, amortization schedules, bonds, interest rate conversions, cash flow, and depreciation. You'll also find more than 100 unit conversions in categories such as length, volume, weight, area, speed, time, temperature, currency, and data storage. Moffsoft Calculator also has a variety of date and time calculations, and product-pricing functionality for calculating cost of goods sold, profit margin, markup percentage, retail sales price, and gross profit. Other features include a sizeable display, floating point and fixed decimals, totals, item count, multiple memory values, a system tray icon, feedback with sound, and launching on start-up. You can also select from algebraic or adding-machine input logic.