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MetaProducts Web Studio 4.0 SR1

From the developer: "From the developer: "This is a universal project-oriented tool for developing and supporting Web sites. It includes a powerful text editor that provides flexible development tools for working with HTML, XHTML, JavaScript, CSS, Perl, PHP and other Web technologies. It provides customizable syntax highlighting and the ability to browse or execute a document without leaving the edit window. It also permits defining any commands with a built-in macros language. A built-in browser and FTP client and find-and-replace with regular expression support through multiple files are also included. A number of wizards provide flexible tag insertion for the most complex HTML tags and it also includes a built-in style builder. The main features of Workshop are: Insertion of any tags from the main menu, toolbars or hot keys Auto text, tag assistant and auto completion, which accelerate web page creation Masters to define various HTML-element parameters Automatic generation of HTML pages, CSS rules and JavaScript functions Powerful and flexible Project management Built-in FTP client to update sites automatically and to work with remote directories Ability to view created pages in a built-in browser or various external browsers Supports redirection to a local HTTP server to simplify server script debugging Includes broad customization of the user interface and program behavior Ability to create custom tags, commands and toolbars Contextual help for all HTML 4.0, CSS and most common JavaScript elements, including data about browser compatibility Spell checking and HTML code validation functions Built-in eScript language for macros and ESI (Editor-Side Instructions) Complete support of XHTML 1.0 syntax rules Special Text Clips window to store and insert tags, their attributes or any user?s text quickly A number of other useful service features such as calculation of page loading time; immediate search, insert and replace on a set of files with regular expressions, etc."


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Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP




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See Also

Browser Spy 1.0

Enhance Internet Explorer with a set of tools tuned for a Web developer.

93 Photo Street 1.0

Create map-based Web galleries.

HTML Password Lock 2.64

Protect the access to your Web pages with a password.



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