Need a way to manage all of the information necessary to keep your life in order? Each day, more and more information that is relevant to our lives is made available through the Internet as website content and 'web services'. But who has time to continually troll all the various sites to collect it all? What we need is a 'personal intelligence agent' that will do it all for us! The solution to this information overload is the Mentations Software Service. This software is an internet-enabled desktop dashboard that will unobtrusively monitor, analyze, distill, and categorize all of your important information and provide it to you through an aesthetically pleasing 'skinnable' interface. Eventually, Mentations will be easily customizable to categories appropriate to your life. However, for now we're offering a free trial 'Preview Version' which provides a glimpse as to how the interface works for a limited set of categories. Enjoy and let us know what you think!