•Audio & Video » MP3 Search Tools |
MP3 Search ToolsPrograms in category: 86. Displaying: 41-60. Page: 3 of 5.
Name, description | Date added | File Size | Downloads |
LimeWire SpeedUp 4.0Share, search, and download files on the Gnutella network. Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP | Free | 08/12/2003 | 878KB | 2,565 |
Lyrics Master 1.0Search and view the lyrics to any song just playing. Windows (all) | Free | 15/08/2003 | 328KB | 1,794 |
MediaSeek.pl Client 0.9Find your favorite songs in the Internet and download them to your computer. Windows (all) | Free | 19/03/2004 | 722KB | 1,853 |
Morpheus 4.0.7Search for and exchange information using multiple P2P file-sharing networks. Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP | Free | 16/07/2004 | 86KB | 2,720 |
Morpheus - KaZaA Hancers 1.0Enhance the performance of Morpheus and KaZaA applications. Windows (all) | Free | 03/12/2003 | 878KB | 1,840 |
MP3 Filez Filter Authenticator 1.0Make sure the MP3 files you are about to download are actually real. Windows 98/Me/2000/XP | Free | 17/12/2003 | 924KB | 1,785 |
MP3 Kult 2.0Share multiple files on the Gnutella network. Windows 98/Me/NT/XP | Free | 14/05/2004 | 4.78MB | 1,993 |
MP3 Plus 1.0Locate and share files, and chat with other users. Windows 98/XP/NT | Free | 10/05/2004 | 4.61MB | 2,020 |
MP3 Searchprofi Pro SE 1.02.232Download your favorite songs with this combination file-sharing and CD recording software. Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP | Free to try | $29.90 | 04/12/2002 | 7.28MB | 1,990 |
MP3 Shield 2.0Scan your MP3 collection for corruptions and detect corrupted MP3 files while downloading. Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP | Free | 04/04/2004 | 284KB | 1,916 |
MP3 Voyeur 1.2Search for MP3s and other files on local networks. Windows 95/98/NT/2000 | Free | 09/05/2002 | 130KB | 1,821 |
MP3-finder MP3 files on your computer and local network with this fast and easy utility. Windows (all) | Free | 18/06/2002 | 462KB | 1,752 |
Music Planet 1.1Search for music, movies, documents, and download them from large P2P networks. Windows 98/Me/2000/XP | Free | 12/05/2004 | 4.78MB | 2,221 |
NapMX 3.0 beta 2Retrieve server lists from Napigator and export them to your WinMX list. Windows (all) | Free | 27/08/2002 | 611KB | 2,306 |
NeoNapster 3.67Download and share files on the Gnutella network. Windows (all) | Free | 10/02/2004 | 1.85MB | 1,781 |
NeoNapster 4.0 beta 6Tap into the Gnutella network to download and share all kinds of files. Windows (all) | Free | 28/07/2003 | 1.9MB | 2,058 |
New Wave 2.3Access Gnutella p2p network, search and download files. Windows 98/2000/XP | Free | 17/05/2004 | 4.78MB | 1,887 |
OneMX 1.06Share MP3s, movies, or any type of file on the eDonkey network. Windows (all) | Free | 22/05/2003 | 1.56MB | 1,744 |
Overnet 0.53Share files on the eDonkey network with this P2P program. Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/NT | Free | 30/06/2004 | 909KB | 8,306 |
PeerGuardian 1.99.21Protect your PC from unauthorized searches when sharing files online. Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP | Free | 18/07/2004 | 806KB | 2,894 |
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