You'll be able to organize all your MP3s, since the very moment you set the path where you save them. You'll be able to have them sorted by Title, Artist, Album, Year, Commment, Genre, Path and could also load Winamp's playlists (.M3U files). You can edit their tags, and have them played (through Winamp) with a double-click over the file.
"You can also 'export' (make a copy of the selected files) to a folder you want. Say you want to burn all your Rock Music in a CD, you sort your MP3s by genre, you ask for 'Rock', and would have all your Rock music listed. Then select them, and export them to a temp folder. All you have to do know is burn your CD with these files and you're done. Search function (within any -or all of them- the fields) of the words you want (with 'OR', 'AND' & 'Exact Phrase' type of search).