JoyJoin helps your source code migration from Oracle to MS-SQL-Server, MSDE, etc. This tool converts Oracle SQL statements in your source code into non-Oracle RDBMS statements. For example, this translates "select a.f1,b.f2 from table1 a , table2 b where a.f1 = b.f1(+)" to "select a.f1,b.f2 from table1 a left join table2 b on a.f1 = b.f1." It can also convert Oracle-specific functions to non-Oracle RDBMS functions, in accordance with user settings. For example, this translates "select decode(substr('314',2,1), '1', 'Male', '2','Female') from dual" to "select (case substring('314',2,1) when '1' then 'Male' when '2' then 'Female' end).