![]() | •Internet » Utilities |
UtilitiesPrograms in category: 305. Displaying: 41-60. Page: 3 of 16.
Name, description | Date added | File Size | Downloads |
Baggle.Com Bagger 1.0Create one wish list for all online shopping sites you visit. Windows (all) | Free | 06/12/2002 | 662KB | 1,528 |
BBC Newsline 1.1Keep up-to-date on current events in real time with this news ticker. Windows 95/NT | Free | 31/03/2003 | 333KB | 1,520 |
BBSMonitor 3.0Participate in online discussion forums and receive notifications if there are replies. Windows (all) | Free to try | $24.50 | 07/04/2004 | 1.39MB | 1,592 |
BeFaster 3.4Speed up your Internet connection, configuring settings manually or automatically. Windows (all) | Free to try | $20.00 | 27/05/2004 | 2.21MB | 1,694 |
BeFaster Lite 1.2Optimize your online connection. Windows (all) | Free to try | $12.00 | 13/08/2003 | 993KB | 1,572 |
Bigfoot Communications Manager - Call 2.0Initiate two-way or multi-party conference calls from your PC to any phone worldwide. Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP | Free | 03/02/2004 | 3.31MB | 1,456 |
BizOppX Gold CD 7.03Find resources and ideas to help you with Internet marketing. Windows (all) | Free | 20/11/2003 | 3.91MB | 1,605 |
Boson TCPIP Subnet Calculator 1.3Calcualte Subnet calculations and also perform Wildmask Calculations for Cisco Routers. Windows (all) | Free | 30/10/2001 | 100KB | 1,651 |
Boson's GetPass Utility 4.0Recover lost passwords on your Cisco router. Windows (all) | Free | 30/10/2001 | 252KB | 3,669 |
BrowserStar 1.7Clear unwanted cookies or your browser's history. Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP | Free to try | $19.00 | 17/10/2003 | 1.23MB | 1,437 |
BuyersPort Shopping 1.0Shop online and earn cash rewards. Windows (all) | Free | 24/11/2003 | 670KB | 1,468 |
CableTraffic 2003 2.1.271Monitor the quality and reliability of your Cable Modem and DSL service. Windows (all) | Free to try | $12.95 | 18/03/2003 | 2.49MB | 1,502 |
CallBlocker 10.0.4Monitor incoming calls to block telemarketers. Windows (all) | Free to try | $32.95 | 11/03/2003 | 4.78MB | 1,394 |
CatchTheWeb Solo 1.2.14Capture, manage, and present all Web content displayed in the Internet Explorer. Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP | Free to try | $99.00 | 14/10/2003 | 1.58MB | 1,596 |
cb_PMM Port-Mapping-Monitoring 1.1Manage and monitor your server ports and TCP connections. Windows (all) | Free to try | $33.00 | 04/06/2002 | 277KB | 1,653 |
Cell Mate 1.0Receive short messages on your mobile phone with e-mail support. Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP | Free to try | $9.95 | 05/11/2002 | 2.31MB | 1,482 |
Cen ICQ Backup 4.0Save and restore your ICQ files. Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP | Free | 05/05/2000 | 42KB | 1,580 |
ChatBlocker 1.6Moderate and restrict chat conversations from occurring on your PC. Windows (all) | Free to try | $29.95 | 28/01/2003 | 1.06MB | 1,476 |
Check Favorites 1.4.2Get a solution for maintaining the links in your Internet Explorer favorites list. Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP | Free to try | $20.00 | 19/08/2002 | 1KB | 1,465 |
Chromophobia AutoFader 1.3.0Have texts sent to AOL/AIM faded. Windows (all) | Free | 14/07/2002 | 1.86MB | 1,415 |
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