Alnini.comInternet » Utilities » Internet Organizer Pro

Internet Organizer Pro 2.1

From the developer: "Internet Organizer Pro is a multi-functional utility for Internet Explorer 4.x or later. While the program is mostly intended to provide greater control over privacy, there are other features that'll enhance your Web browsing as well. For example, Internet Organizer Pro makes it easy to manage the cookies that are placed on your computer. It displays all cookies and lets you add the unwanted files to a blacklist. Meanwhile, the program also allows you to repair your Start Page by having you define a 'fixed' URL. This eliminates a pesky problem of Web sites redirecting you without your permission. Other features include the handy 'pop-up killer'. Like the cookie manager, you can select an open page (including pop-ups) and manually filter unwanted windows.

"Internet Organizer Pro will also read your current Favorites folder. This feature enables you to easily clean up favorite shortcuts that wear out their welcome. Finally, Internet Organizer can automatically disable security warning messages and input forms. You can quickly close all IE windows, which is a great feature to use whenever you suffer a 'pop-up attack'. A new feature is the Cache option. It's very easy to clean your Temporary files, Autocomplete Urls, Temp files, History and much more. Also the possibility to clean the (selecetd) items each x minutes. Internet Organizer Pro resides in the system tray and can optionally load whenever Windows starts up. Settings may be saved and exported, and even protected by a password."


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Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP, Internet Explorer 4, Visual Basic 6 Runtime Module





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See Also

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