Business » Online Auctions » Hotbid Auction Market Analyst

Hotbid Auction Market Analyst 4.0

The eBay search engine for sellers. Hotbid will allow sellers to search only for those items that get the maximum bids. Choose featured auction or a category number. Or you could choose to search by keywords in completed or running auctions. Sit back and let Hotbid tell you what customers are buying. If you don't know what to sell, search the featured auctions and get a broad report on what's selling good. If you have an interest and want to sell related products, do a category search to see what the customers want. If you already decided what to sell but sales are dropping, do a keyword search and see why others are getting more sales by visiting their ads. Hotbid puts all results in order by bids, something no other auction search program will do for you. New version has keyword count, category percentage, and hit counter reports.


Eristoddle Media

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Free to try




Windows 95/98/Me/XP




14-day trial



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See Also

Auction Sentry Deluxe 1.0.3

Track all your auctions, control bids, and automate transactions on eBay.

My Auction Search for eBay 2.0

Create, save, and group your most common eBay, Yahoo, and Amazon searches.

AuctionSieve 1.4.2

Search, sort, filter auction lots on eBay.


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