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GoZilla 4.11

GoZilla is a comprehensive download accelerator and download management system. Featuring new, intelligent multipart downloading technology and GoZilla?s proprietary file mirror database, GoZilla can create, add, and modify multiple connections for each download, based on your current speed and available bandwidth. Comprehensive error recovery and download autoresume capabilities mean that you will receive your files even if your connection is unexpectedly lost.

GoZilla includes a complete set of tools that makes it easy to work with and manage your downloaded files. An integrated unzipping utility provides one-click management of archived downloads. Integration with your favorite media programs allows GoZilla to automatically send downloaded music to your playlist, video to your video player, or pictures to your image archive. Using GoZilla Schedule, you can schedule downloads for later, create recurring downloads, and have GoZilla automatically dial up your connection and hang up when it?s done. GoZilla even integrates with your antivirus program to automatically scan files upon completion of the download.

The latest version of GoZilla includes integration with GoZilla Search, allowing you to search for software, video, and music from within GoZilla. GoZilla also adds intelligent multipart downloading technology and an updated interface with exclusive GoZilla customizable skin architechture.

Version 4.11 features better integration with Windows XP, as well as some minor enhancements and bug fixes.


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Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000, Netscape Navigator 3.0 or Internet Explorer 4.0





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See Also

Chrysanth Download Manager 1.3

Manage content and downloads from the Internet or remote servers.

Imago 2.1

Locate and download images from Web sites.

Fresh Download 7.1

Accelerate file downloads from the Internet and resume broken connections.



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