Alnini.comInternet » Utilities » GoMail - Outlook Mass Mailer Addon

GoMail - Outlook Mass Mailer Addon 1.0

From the developer: GoMail is a mass mailing add-on for Outlook. It can use up to 150 threads simultaneously, allowing for speedy delivery of unlimited sized mailing lists. The program integrates into the Outlook interface and adds a new button to outgoing messages. Clicking the GoMail button, rather than the Send button, allows you to send the email message to an entire list of recipients. It can send over 100,000 emails in 5 minutes on fast mail server.

GoMail supports plain text/RTF with attachments, as well as HTML messages, allowing you to import or create HTML messages easily using Outlook formatting features. You can send mail to different mailing list at the same time, remove duplicate emails, merge mailing lists, filter from a mailing list, and balance mail sending between multiple mail servers for best performance. The program supports text, CSV, or database information saved in CSV file as mailing list. All actions and errors are logged in detail. GoMail provides a powerful way to send messages to email lists, using the familiar Outlook environment.


File size:


Date added:



Free to try




Outlook2000(Service Pack 2)/2002, Internet Explorer 5.0




Expires in 30 days or 15 uses (whichever comes first)



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See Also

HTML2Image 0.2a

Convert a list of URLs to images.

Hotel Scout 1.03

Search for a suitable hotel and make a reservation online.

Toolbar Shopper 1.0

Search up to five search engines and remove personal information from online caching.



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