FlipViewer is a 3D page-flipping e-book (FlipBook) viewer and Web browser. FlipViewer is a viewer for FlipBooks created with FlipPublisher or FlipAlbum. FlipBooks may be photo albums, online product catalogs, multipage brochures, electronic books, novels, manuals, magazines, comics, and so on. FlipViewer supports the streaming of e-book contents. While you are reading the current page, the next few pages are streamed into your PC. Pages have to be downloaded just once, then you can quickly flip pages without having to wait for them to load again. The FlipBook comes complete with flipping pages, page-turning sounds, and bookmarks. Features of FlipViewer 2.0 include rapid flipping pages; smoother pages on regular PCs; glossy pages and shadows; the ability to open a folder of images and create a FlipBook of up to 50 images; and better looking bookmarks.
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Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP, Internet Explorer 5.0