![]() | •Utilities » File & Disk Management |
File & Disk ManagementPrograms in category: 349. Displaying: 141-160. Page: 8 of 18.
Name, description | Date added | File Size | Downloads |
Wiper Wizard 1.0Erase the traces of your Internet or computing activities and delete junk files on your hard drive. Windows (all) | Free to try | $22.98 | 12/05/2004 | 1.14MB | 1,677 |
AllSearchPlus 1.4See the results of your text searches and replacements as you type. Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP | Free | 09/07/2003 | 536KB | 1,676 |
Ampersand Systems FileTool 1.0Sustitute text in files and synchronize files and folders. Windows NT/2000/XP | Free to try | $19.00 | 26/06/2003 | 785KB | 1,675 |
Directory Snoop 5.0Recover deleted files from FAT and NTFS file systems. Windows (all) | Free to try | $39.95 | 08/02/2004 | 1.5MB | 1,675 |
Recycle Bin Zapper 1.0Set expiration times for files and folders or for certain file types in the recycle bin. Windows 2000/XP | Free to try | $15.00 | 16/02/2004 | 168KB | 1,675 |
RenameWiz 3.4.2Rename files and folders using custom renaming schemas. Windows (all) | Free to try | $20.00 | 22/01/2004 | 1.92MB | 1,674 |
File Renaming Utility 2.02.2Rename a huge group of files at once. Windows (all) | Free to try | $30.00 | 28/04/2004 | 1.39MB | 1,673 |
Link Maven 2.0Connect two PCs together with a Laplink/Interlnk-compatible cable then copy, move, and delete files and directories. Windows (all) | Free to try | $29.95 | 09/05/2003 | 954KB | 1,672 |
Undisker 1.2Create disk image files from your CDs and floppy and hard disks and write them back to disks. Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP | Free to try | $29.95 | 22/05/2003 | 861KB | 1,671 |
DiskState 2.81Organize your disk space usage or cover the tracks of your Web surfing. Windows (all) | Free to try | $59.00 | 19/03/2003 | 1.34MB | 1,670 |
CD Storager Professional 3.0Manage and exchange complete information about CD and DVD discs. Windows (all) | Free to try | $59.95 | 23/10/2003 | 4.68MB | 1,667 |
File and MP3 Tag Renamer 2.2Rename multiple files and MP3 music in batch mode using a range of renaming options. Windows (all) | Free to try | $19.95 | 31/03/2004 | 750KB | 1,666 |
SizeExplorer Pro 3.2Manage disk space and monitor the actual space used by folders. Windows (all) | Free to try | $35.00 | 17/05/2004 | 1.14MB | 1,666 |
A.F.5 Rename your files 1.1Rename many files with this program. Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP | Free | 19/08/2002 | 1.05MB | 1,664 |
FolderInfo 2.13.1Create reports about your PC folders. Windows (all) | Free to try | $25.00 | 04/07/2004 | 648KB | 1,664 |
DupeDetective 1.0Identify and delete duplicate files on your PC. Windows 2000/XP/2003 Server | Free to try | $15.00 | 19/03/2004 | 2.88MB | 1,663 |
DiskSpaceFree 6.1Free up drive space by identifying and removing unnecessary files from your system. Windows (all) | Free to try | $49.95 | 07/04/2004 | 1.99MB | 1,662 |
Document Converter 2003 7.0Convert multiple HTML, TXT, or RTF documents at once. Windows 95/98/NT/2000 | Free to try | $39.95 | 17/01/2003 | 1.15MB | 1,661 |
Tar98 2.5Transfer files back and forth between Windows and UNIX systems. Windows NT/2000/XP | Free to try | $495.00 | 09/05/2003 | 1024KB | 1,661 |
Magellan Explorer 3.01 build 2268Manage your files with ease, whether on your local hard drive or across the Internet. Windows (all) | Free to try | $39.95 | 04/07/2004 | 4.21MB | 1,660 |
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