Alnini.comBusiness » Applications » Ezy Call Manager 3

Ezy Call Manager 3 3.0

A productivity tool to track and manage in-coming calls and follow-up action to your organization. You can use it for: Logging in all in-coming calls to your organization, prioritize all calls such that follow-up action can be done according to its priority, keeping a record of all follow up action taken if necessary for each call, specify who recorded the call and who needs to follow up on it, easily search and locate calls & follow up action in a whole variety of ways like call received date, call follow up date, follow up person, product or subject, priority or status. Use it in a Standalone (one user) environment or for everyone in the company to share this information.

Features: Can scale from 1 to 30 users depending on the license purchased, can be used in Workgroup mode for 1 to 3 users and Client Server Mode for 4 to 30 users, User Level security instead of password security, Powerful User Permission features allowing you to specify No Access, Read Only, Add, Add & Edit, Add, Edit & Delete or Full User Access to all main data forms, in-built Back up and Restore function (Using Zip compression format), Context Sensitive Help documentation.


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Free to try




Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP




30-day trial



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See Also

Call Assistant 2.0.7

Manage caller ID information and maintain detailed ongoing records of incoming phone call activity.

Call Accounting Mate 2.6.1

Monitor incoming and outgoing calls as they are made.

Process Developer Enterprise Edition 2.1

Map information flows specific to any process.



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