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Epages Hosting Edition 4.5 ISMb1264

The software supports all relevant B2C and B2B business models and can therefore be employed in a variety of ways on the sell-side and the buy-side. epages' products prepare you for any eventuality with a stable, proven, scaleable, and robust architecture. An integrated SYBASE ASE 12.5 database server is provided as part of the epages platform, one that guarantees that high traffic and data volumes can be handled efficiently. epages allows for seamless integration to external systems through an open, modular architecture and XML, Web Services, and OCI interfaces. Numerous cartridges are also available that allow quick and easy extension of the functionality of epages' products. epages provides several procurement cartridges, designed to optimize transactions and information exchange between suppliers and buyers. epages also offers an eBay integration cartridge that enables merchants to increase their reach on the internet, and acquire new customers from the eBay shopping portal.

Note: This is a very large (223MB) file and may take several hours to download via dial-up modem.


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Free to try


Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 Server, 256MB RAM




Limited to staging stores



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See Also

Epages Hosting Edition 4.5 ISMb1264

Share server resources amongst multiple e-commerce shop owners.

Downtime Witness 2.1

Receive immediate notification when your Web site is down.

Wal-Mart Connect 6.0.2

Connect to the Internet, search for the latest news and music, and track your stock portfolio.



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